Before Generation Distinct’s untitled_ Conference, I was all over the place. I knew what my passion was, but I did not know how to step into it. I didn’t know what to do.

Being able to share my passion with you all and to be encouraged so much helped me see that this is what I’m supposed to do.

I came to untitled and had the opportunity to perform a song I wrote during a very difficult time in my life for the very first time on any stage. I took the video of my performance of my original song at untitled and posted it on Tik Tok...and the video went viral! I have now reached over 300,000 people with the good news of Jesus through the song I wrote!

I asked God to make it obvious if music is what I’m supposed to pursue. Through untitled Conference, God completely made it obvious! I told God that I’m all in and so ready.

I’m Nevaeh and I have discovered the wrong I was born to make right.